We work with homeowners
We work with homeowners to create beautiful sanctuaries for folks looking for a dreamy vacation rental. And when guests arrive at an Oversee home, we work with them also, and do everything we can to help them unwind.
To illustrate the lengths we go to keep our guests happy, I’ve contemplated asking our delightful staff to send me their favorite ‘guest-centered’ true stories. But I realized it’s a Saturday, and I, well, in lieu of waiting patiently for just the right story, I’ve decided to make one up. That’s right. Complete fiction. Please enjoy my ‘inspired by a true story’ story.
One sunny afternoon I got a call from a man in a panic. He told me he and his wife had locked themselves out of their Oversee rental and asked if I would run over with a key ASAP. He said they would be in the garage. So off I went, key in hand.
I pulled into the driveway and saw the man standing in the back of the garage behind their car. As I approached, I noticed he was alone, wearing nothing at all, and was “strategically” holding a laundry basket in front of his midsection.
With a laugh and red face, he said “Just throw the keys in the basket.” He thanked me, I smiled, and said, “No problem. Have a great stay! Bye now.” I turned and left.
So, what are the benefits of being local?
We’re open 7 days a week, and able to help our guests 24/7. We’re less than ten minutes from our properties so our nimble and responsive teams handle any issues that may arise.

And this is good for homeowners because happy guests give positive reviews. And consistent, positive reviews ensures consistent revenue, while letting our homeowners know why we care so much about making their homes, and the guest experience, as perfect as possible. Although the story above was fictional, it’s rooted in the kind of stuff we do every day, and sometimes, into the night.